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Life is full of surprises.

The best ones are the ones that sneak up on us unexpectedly, such as checking your analytics board and feeling a surge of excitement course through your veins.

Imagine you had recently employed the service of a professional writing service, and as you delve into the data a few months later, the numbers tell a compelling story.

Your website traffic has skyrocketed, and the graph shows a steady upward trajectory. Visitors are flocking to your site, captivated by the compelling and optimized content that the writing agency has meticulously crafted.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Your bounce rate is the lowest it has ever been, and not only are visitors staying on your website, but they’re also exploring multiple pages and engaging with your content.

Stunned, you navigate to your website so you can witness the captivating writing that has your customers so hooked.

You’re met with an influx of positive feedback, praising the informative and valuable insights they have gained, and expressing gratitude for finding a reliable source of knowledge within your niche.

CopySmiths has been helping eCommerce businesses receive such results since 2020 because of our tried-and-true creative SEO strategies.

Related Article: 4 Benefits of Creating Content at Scale for eCommerce Stores

Today, we’re going to break down the concept of creative SEO and provide you with the ultimate resource for elevating your eCommerce business’ content marketing strategy. We will also cover:

  • The impact good writing has on brain mechanisms and how you can leverage this natural process to attract more leads
  • What you should avoid when looking for freelancers for hire
  • A peek at CopySmiths’ SEO content creation strategy

Without further ado, let’s dive straight into your guide to hiring the best SEO copywriters for your business.

Unlocking SEO Success: The Vital Role of Skilled Writers

writing blog post outline illustration

The Role of Content in SEO

There’s a natural and intrinsic way our minds have of identifying good writing. 

Think back to the first time you read an engaging and well-crafted story that presented fresh perspectives and unique insights on a particular topic.

Chances are, it evoked strong emotions that made you feel joy, excitement, empathy, or even sadness. 

The reason why writing can bring you this almost spiritual experience is that engaging and thought-provoking writing activates the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and intensifying the overall experience.

This rush can be compared to other enjoyable experiences, such as savoring a delicious meal, listening to music, or engaging in a stimulating conversation.

It reinforces our innate desire to interact with more content from the same writer, motivating us to hunt down their content, and ravenously consume it in order to receive that intellectual and emotional gratification.

That, my friend, is the power of creative writing

However, producing such powerful and captivating content is only half the battle. You still have to make sure your customers find it

Implementing SEO principles combined with good writing are the two key ingredients to ensuring you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This is good news for your business because it means you can improve your organic search rankings which automatically translates to more potential customers discovering your content, resulting in higher website traffic and brand exposure.

Challenges of Finding Skilled Writers

Now, this all sounds like a dream. Quality content plus SEO principles equal business success. Easy, right?

Quite the opposite. Finding skilled writers who possess the expertise to meet the demands of SEO projects can be a formidable task.

There are a number of logistics involved that can prove challenging, including:

  • Limited pool of qualified candidates: Picture yourself investing a significant amount of time and resources in sourcing, vetting, and selecting suitable candidates in a sea of underqualified applicants from Facebook groups and job boards.
  • Dual expertise requirement: It’s not enough to hire a writer who is adept at crafting compelling and grammatically sound content. They also need to have a solid understanding of SEO principles, keyword research, metadata optimization, and content structure.
  • Continuous learning and keeping up with industry changes: The field of SEO is constantly evolving as search engine algorithms undergo regular changes. 

Although Google gives them cute names, like penguin or panda, these updates need to be taken seriously by writers who stay updated and adapt their skills accordingly. 

As formidable as all this sounds, all hope is not lost….

Unleash the Power of SEO-Optimised Content with CopySmiths

content marketing by the numbers

What if I could tell you that CopySmiths can provide you with:

  • Engaging and compelling content optimized for search engines
  • A streamlined process from content creation to publishing without you lifting a finger
  • Content filled with tables, lists, graphics, and comparisons to cater to the different ways your customers consume knowledge

Our content is of the highest caliber, and customers come back to us time and time again, trusting us as their reputable one-stop shop for content marketing and SEO needs.

Statistics: Since we founded our company in 2020, we have had 100+ clients, written 4,000+ articles, and produced over six million words.

Our founder, Katrina McKinnon, is considered an SEO industry expert who established one of Australia’s first web development companies back in 1996, whose clients included Alsco, the University of NSW, and Luna Park Sydney.

Her experience as an entrepreneur and eCommerce innovator has made her highly sought after by global teams to coach them on the skills they need to become profitable in the present and the future.

CopySmiths only hires writers after they have undergone and successfully completed our vigorous and in-depth SEO Copywriting Training program, which is a result of Katrina’s cumulative 10 years of front-line knowledge.

Whether you’re an eCommerce store, a SaaS company, or a service provider, CopySmiths offers content writing solutions that are sure to elevate your online presence and boost your organic rankings leading to increased revenue.

The Benefits of Choosing CopySmiths

Why settle for less when you can have the best?

Between our completely hands-on approach and our collection of talented, poetic, and creative writers, there are a multitude of advantages to having us curate your creative SEO content, including: 

  • Professional creative SEO content writers: Through extensive training and a thorough quality control system, we have trained our writers to produce content that evokes emotions, challenges perspectives, and positions you as the hero.

    It doesn’t matter how technological or complex the topic is, we’re always brimming with captivating and creative ideas to make it appealing and engaging.

  • We’re only one call away: We pride ourselves on maintaining an open line of communication with our clients, regardless of the circumstances. 

    Because we want you to have nothing but the best, we are always transparent with timelines, flexible to make adjustments at your request, and open to having a casual conversation and receiving constructive criticism.

  • We stay hands-on, so you can stay hands-off: Working with us means you don’t have to lift so much as a finger if you don’t want to.

    We handle all aspects of content production, including keyword research, writing compelling titles, editing, creating custom graphics, and publishing articles. This frees up some time for you to focus on other core business aspects.

  • Timely delivery: One of the biggest compliments we constantly receive from our clients is how quickly we produce high-quality and thoroughly researched articles.

    We have established thorough internal processes that enable us to automate certain aspects of the process while maintaining that lovely, personable human touch for maximum efficiency and quality output.

Comprehensive Content Solutions for SEO Success

best class blog in 2022

SEO Content Creation

You’re probably curious about our processes.

How have we written killer articles year after year? How do we ensure we constantly remain top of mind for our customers? 

Well, here’s an in-depth look into our SEO content creation strategy to give you a clear picture of our process:

  • Keyword research: Through meticulous keyword research, our expert SEO writers work their magic to unravel the relevant terms and phrases that align with your objectives.

    By unearthing these gems, we can provide content-writing solutions that resonate with the queries and interests of your target audience.

  • Idea generation: Our copywriting experts invest time in understanding your audience’s pain points and desires. They then craft topics that strike a chord with your audience’s hearts and minds. 

    They explore the uncharted territories of your industry, seeking inspiration from trends, current events, and customer insights. From there, they forge compelling topics that captivate readers while providing solutions and valuable insights. 

  • Content optimization: As a professional writing service, we’re well-versed in the language of search engines. We know how to optimize your content for improved relevance and visibility on SERPs.

    Our process involves seamlessly incorporating the researched keywords into your content, including in headings, subheadings, and the body of the text. 

    We also pay attention to the proper use of meta tags, such as the title tag and meta description, to make your content more enticing for users in search engine results.

Real-World Results: How CopySmiths Drives Success for Clients

“Your customers are your best marketing team.” — Bar Pintxos’ Tinchu Gonzalez

We have tooted our own horn long enough. How about we let some of our satisfied customers tell you what they think of our services?

  • Boosting content strategy with informative articles: “CopySmiths have written and published 100+ articles on specific products and categories, with a focus on buyers guides. They also do this relatively quickly, so the turnaround from our delivery of targeted keywords and topics to their finished pieces felt like a breeze! I would recommend their team to anyone looking to boost their content strategy but may not have enough resources in-house to do so.” — Eileen Shaw, MVP Visuals.
  • Elevating brand voice and SEO rankings: “Katrina and her team of writers are well-versed in what Google looks for in ranking articles – already seeing traction in a number of blog posts and it’s only been 2 months.” — Ryan Popoff, Popov Leather.
  • Enhancing organic traffic and user experience: “The quality of writing is very good — but the best thing is it’s written for the reader in mind. They use tables, lists, graphics, comparisons, etc., knowing that every reader consumes content differently. I highly recommend using CopySmiths, or at least testing them with a small batch of articles!” — Alan Marek, PartCatalog.

These testimonials are just a few of the praises our customers have sung for us. They showcase the effectiveness of CopySmiths in driving tangible results for our clients.

With our expertise in SEO content writing, we help businesses achieve their goals, whether it’s increasing organic traffic, improving search engine rankings, or enhancing the user experience.

Let us be your trusted content partner and experience the same success as these satisfied clients.

Unlock the Power of SEO with CopySmiths – Your Trusted Content Partner

Although it’s a highly technical topic, SEO doesn’t have to be boring and complex. In fact, creative SEO means your writing will leave the reader and search engine thoroughly satisfied.

CopySmiths is the only ultimate resource for creative SEO that you’ll ever need to reap the benefits of content marketing, such as increased sales, establishing yourself as an industry expert, and generating leads.

We understand the unique challenges that SEOs and content marketers face in finding skilled writers who can create optimized and engaging content.

That’s why we ensure that our writers undergo vigorous and comprehensive training before they embark on any project.

If you’re in the market for high-quality content writing services, look no further than CopySmiths—the top global resource for content marketers and SEOs who want to fuel their SEO projects and achieve outstanding results.

Contact us today to discuss how we can support your content requirements and elevate your online presence.

Bonus: Watch Katrina explain the basics of generative AI in the video below

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution. With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass