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SEO (search engine optimization) may seem complicated, but there are several free online courses to help you better grasp the SEO fundamentals and apply them to your website or blog to attract attention and customers.

You can complement these courses with the SEO Copywriting training, and learn the skills needed to create high quality content.

Brian, one of our graduates, had this to say about the course:

Although I consider myself a great writer, this course helped me learn a lot when it comes to SEO copywriting…


Today, we highlight 4 free online SEO courses that can help improve your website’s ranking:

  • Udemy’s SEO Training Course by Moz
  • SEO Certification Course by HubSpot
  • SEO Training and Tutorials by LinkedIn Learning
  • SEO Basics for Non-SEOs by Skillshare

1: Udemy’s SEO Training Course by Moz

Udemy’s SEO Training Course by Moz enrollment page
Source: Udemy

SEO is among the most desirable skills in digital marketing for boosting your website’s ranking in search engines and attracting more traffic.

The SEO Training Course by Udemy will teach you how to apply SEO basics to your blog or website to improve your online presence.

Vital Lessons in the Course

  • Developing an SEO strategy. Learn how to create an effective SEO strategy, create demand for low-volume sites, and create a customer journey map.
  • Audits and structure of sites. Learn how to start an SEO audit for your website, the difference between subfolders and subdomains, and how to control indexing for higher search engine rankings.
  • Basics of keyword research. Learn how to find and prioritize keywords and then match your content with relevant keywords.
  • SERP features. Learn how to get your site into Google’s answer boxes.
  • SEO reporting. Learn how to create reportable metrics based on client goals and provide proof of a content campaign’s return on investment (ROI).

2: SEO Certification Course by HubSpot

If you’re managing a blog for your company or clients, it can be tough to keep up with the volume of content required while also maintaining quality.

Luckily, the SEO Certification Course by HubSpot will teach you how to create the kind of content Google loves to rank highly in its search results, allowing you to keep up with the high demand for high quality content.

HubSpot’s SEO Certification Course sign-up page
Source: HubSpot

Key Lessons From the Course

  • SEO basics. Learn how to set goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that help create a powerful SEO strategy for your website. The lesson also shows you how to use a worksheet to conduct an SEO authority audit of your website.
  • Technical and on-page SEO. Learn how to write killer meta descriptions, set up internal links, structure URLs, and the fundamentals of technical SEO.
  • Link building. Learn the importance of link building for SEO, determining the number of links your website must have to rank, and critical link-building implementation tactics.
  • Web optimization. Learn how to utilize structured data on your website and optimize your content for featured snippets.

This course is best for content creators, marketers, and anyone interested in learning SEO.

You can learn more about SEO in the video below.

3: SEO Training and Tutorials by LinkedIn Learning

The SEO Training and Tutorials by LinkedIn Learning breaks down search engine optimization into easy-to-learn segments. These include:

  • SEO keyword research techniques
  • On-page SEO optimization techniques
  • Link-building best practices

By the end of this training, you’ll be able to develop a comprehensive SEO strategy for your website.

The table below explores some segments of the course:

SEO Overview
  • Defining SEO
  • How to read search engine results pages
  • Impacts of SEO on your business
Keyword Research
  • Importance of a keyword research plan
  • How to conduct keyword research
  • Tools for analyzing keywords
  • Keyword distribution
Planning Long-Term Content
  • Understand long-form content strategy
  • Planning an effective long-term content strategy
  • Types of content
  • Measuring content performance
Measure SEO Effectiveness
  • How to measure SEO performance
  • Keyword analysis
  • Link analysis

You can start your free trial today by simply signing up to LinkedIn Learning.

4: SEO Basics for Non-SEOs by Skillshare

This free course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of SEO basics and aimed at those without too much time to spare.

In this course, you’ll learn to use search engine optimization as a powerful marketing strategy to increase brand recognition, attract more visitors to your site, and convert them into customers.

Search engine marketer, Kristina Kledzik, will take you through the following topics:

  • Google practices
  • Tools for finding relevant keywords
  • Understanding your audience
  • Tips for creating powerful content

The course doesn’t require you to purchase any paid tools and is for anyone interested in learning SEO basics. You don’t need to be a technical expert to understand the terms and strategies covered in this introductory course.

Learning Never Stops

Whether you’re a small business owner or blogger, learning SEO basics is essential. 

Even if you’re an SEO expert, there’s always room for improvement. 

Since SEO strategies are ever-changing and evolving, it’s good to stay on top of the trends and not get lost in the shuffle of all that has changed.

So, the more serious you are about these courses, the better results you’ll achieve and the more excellent your copywriting skills will be.

Websites such as Udemy offer the best courses to help you master the art of SEO.

Sign up now to get started.

learning seo basics is essential

Frequently Asked Questions

Is coding required for SEO?

Not at all. Most search engine optimization doesn’t require coding.

Are SEO jobs in demand?

Yes. Companies require search engine optimization to compete in many niches, so SEO professionals are highly demanded.

Is SEO worth it?

Indeed. The benefits of SEO will become evident when your website becomes more visible in the search engine results pages (SERPs), resulting in more traffic.

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution. With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass