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The aim of this guide is to help you understand the importance of having multiple product photos in improving customer experience and the sales conversion rate.

An enormously important and influential part of your sales process is how you display your products in your store. Think about the millions of dollars that are spent by large retailers such as Walmart and Apple in displaying their products in a pleasant physical setting.

The online environment limits the presentation of your product to a flat, small, non-tactile image. Most people end up squinting to really see your product.

You can mitigate some virtual reality problems by over providing. Provide more product photos than you think necessary from wide-angle shots right down to the smallest detail. Even add in shots of the packaging.

If you resell a product from a manufacturer or distributor then you will often be supplied with photographs. Do use these in your store, but also make more of your own. This will help you to stand out from your competitors.

At a minimum, you ought to provide:

  • Front, back and side photographs of your product.
  • If your product comes in different colours, then provide a photograph of the product in each colour.
  • Provide detail photographs. Show the seams in clothing, the button on cameras and the rope on a tent. Get as close as you can to all the different parts of the product, and provide those photos.

Improve your Conversion Rates with Multiple Product Photos

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On eCommerce stores, high-quality photos are as important as unique and interesting contents.

It is the first thing that will catch the attention of the visitors, and when they do notice impressive product image that’s the time they read the contents for details.

Since visitors do not have the means of touching or testing the products online, they rely on visual judgments.

So it is important that what they see on your product pages are not only reliable but also remarkable to convince visitors to purchase from your store.

A lot of high-quality photos of your product will let visitors take a look of the product in different angles and be able to spot the features and benefits of your product.

Product Photo Display

Conversion rate will surely improve if you take as many high-quality photos in different angles as possible as well as photos of people using the products.

It will not only highlight the key benefits of the products but also minimize returns and prevent possible disappointments from buyers.

Here are the key factors that you need to consider when displaying your photos on the product pages.

  • Your Shopping Cart Platform should support not only multiple photos but a light box or a zoom option too. You can then display photos in a thumbnail format and then use a light box or the zoom option to display higher resolution versions to show product details visibly.
  • Always use high-quality and well defined photos. Use photos with proper lighting and background. Make sure to include Alt tags that best describes the image as this too will help search engine rankings.
  • Using human models will encourage visitors to imagine using the product too, visualizing the features and the benefits of what you’re selling. You can use high-quality lifestyle shots, like an umbrella at the beach or a necklace worn by someone. This will present where and how people can use the product. This creates a feeling to the visitors that they need the product and improve their lives.
  • Always take photos of the benefits or key feature of product. You can use photos of frequently asked feature of your product. Or photos of what the customers might be looking for in a product. Your photos should speak for you.
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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution. With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass

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