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As an introvert, you scored gold with a fantastic online job.

Kudos to you.

You dodged a giant extroverted bullet that is the physical working environment filled with unnecessary meetings that could have been emails, binge drinking after-work parties, and listening to your extroverted workmates go on and on about their colorful lives.

Now, every day you get to wake with a bright smile looking forward to the short commute to your workspace.

You’ve probably taken up typical indoor hobbies as well to fill up some downtime and take your mind off work from time to time.

We bet you’ve doubled in:

  • Watching anime
  • Cosplay
  • Reading high fantasy novels
  • Writing beautiful poetry
  • Crafting sensual melodies with a musical instrument

But now everything is too familiar. You’re looking for exciting new ventures to fill up your free time—maybe an outdoor hobby that you’ll enjoy as an introvert.

Like Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother, we’ve ‘accepted the challenge’ to find you a hobby you’ll relish. We’ve compiled a list of a few you’ll have a spectacular time trying.

1: Gardening and Caring for Plants

woman gardener watering garden
Source: Canva

It’s time to look through your genetic makeup and see if you have that natural talent for growing plants.

Just kidding! Starting a garden or caring for plants isn’t that big of a deal. You don’t need a green thumb for your garden to thrive in vigor.

You only need to water your plants regularly if you don’t get steady rain. Mulch around them, do the composition for organic manure, and watch your garden spring to life with abundant luscious rich green kales, cheerful ever-blooming orchids, thick, succulent prickly cacti, or red, ripe juicy tomatoes.

Whether you live in the countryside, suburban area, or in an apartment in the city, there’s a gardening method to best suit your lifestyle.

Think container gardens (potted plants), raised beds, or traditional gardening carried out on sizable pieces of land.

Nothing’s more gratifying than watching your labor of love thrive and bloom in front of your very eyes into luscious fruits and vegetables or intensely fragrant flowers.
Also, your fresh produce can make for beautiful gifts or fill up a stall at the farmer’s market for that extra income we can all use.

be open to trying out new things

Here’s a table with growing information for different plants with minimum care to get your garden started.

PlantOptimal Growing ConditionsGrowing Period in Months
  • Roses
  • Hydrangeas
  • Fuchsias
  • Bougainvillea
  • In scorching weather, water daily
  • In warm, dry weather, water twice a week
  • Lemon coral
  • Aloe vera
  • Baby Rubber Plant
  • 55–80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Water once a week
  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Cilantros
  • 50–70 degrees Fahrenheit
  • One inch of water every week
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • 60–80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Two inches of water twice a week
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • 55–60 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Two inches of water twice a week (moderate climate)

There is increasing evidence that exposure to plants and green space, and particularly to gardening, is beneficial to mental and physical health.

Royal College of Physicians

2: Volunteering at Your Local Pet Shelter

male volunteer with dog sitting on bench outdoors
Source: Canva

As an introvert, you’re a hardcore animal lover. Their gentle companionship with unconditional love expressed through language beyond words is what the doctor ordered.

After a long day of slogging away at your computer, a warm fuzzy hug from a furry friend who’s always overjoyed to see you is all you need to feel delightfully refreshed.

Then why not make the world a better place for our furry friends, maybe two hours a day every two weeks or so?

Volunteering at your local pet shelter is the best choice to make when it comes to feeling gratified and self-actualized.

And the tasks are manageable and can even be relaxing. Expect to help out:

  • Washing and folding pet laundry
  • Cleaning and disinfecting food bowls and litter pans
  • Untangling dog leashes
  • Playing with furry friends
  • Walking the dogs

At the end of a long day of volunteering, reward yourself with some warm cuddles from your newfound friends as you bid them goodbye.

3: Traveling and Photography

male nature photographer
Source: Canva

With vision boards filling up with solo travel plans, it’s time for you to take the plunge and ride this wave. 

Yes, solo travel is no longer just something your favorite influencer does to reward themselves after achieving a milestone. You can do it too.

You’re probably leering at exploring the world alone, but thanks to technology such as Google Maps, Airbnb, and Google Translate, some of your anxiety can be let out.

Start small with areas around the neighborhood you’ve never explored, then build from there with trips to nearby towns and cities.

Jazz your trip up a bit by bringing an instant camera to snap pictures of alluring views you come across.

Later on, you can compile the picture in an album then name the particular album after the place you visited.

This will make for glorious reminders of your travel memories either solo, with friends, or with family.

4: Take Up Sports

female marathon runner winning race
Source: Canva

Introverts, we have magnificent talents and abilities that we’re brilliant at. 

We’re great with words and can spin enthralling tales filled with magical worlds that boast glistening emerald oceans and lustrous terrain readers can get lost in. 

Or we can string together enigmatic codes and make apps that make life wonderfully easy.

But for the love of God, we can’t dribble the ball like Cristiano Ronaldo or score a three-point shot like Stephen Curry. But, we can have fun trying. 

You don’t have to be good at everything you do. You just need to have fun doing it.

So sign up for a martial art class, whether it’s taekwondo, kickboxing, or karate. Take up cycling or running around your favorite trail.

Decide to exit your comfort zone by making a trip to the local public pool and having an invigorating swim as you exchange pleasantries with friendly strangers.

5: Embrace the Outdoors

girl watching a peaceful sunrise on the ocean coast
Source: Canva

With an impressive pair of walking boots, a waterproof jacket, and a tent, you can set out on a never-ending adventure to see the world.

Look for a scenic lake district near you or a local reserve. Better yet, hit the ground running with a trip halfway across the world for an African safari, complete with enchanting sunsets, rustic terrain, and exquisite wildlife.

Wherever you choose to begin your outdoor adventure, we promise you’ll wake up to the beautiful sounds of nature, be it singing birds, croaking bullfrogs, chirping crickets, or the rustling of leaves as the wind blows by.

Fair warning—embracing boundless outdoors may lead to a lifelong love for:

  • Hiking 
  • Camping
  • Kayaking
  • Birdwatching
  • Fishing
  • Sightseeing

Nothing beats the feeling of the warm sun stroking your skin during the summers as you lay flat in the tickling grass to cool off your burning muscles from a long day of outdoor adventuring.

allows you to be in touch with your thoughts

Be Open to Trying Out New Things

As introverts, it can be daunting to leap out of our comfort zone. 

We love our space and the serenity it gives us, but it’s great for your mental health and well-being to embrace new activities from time to time.

And research shows that hobbies can make you feel happier, less anxious, and boost your satisfaction.

Now that you have a solid list of suggested activities, take it upon yourself to give some of these hobbies a go. Remember, the goal is to have a great time trying them out.

Why not use the immense sense of motivation you get after immersing yourself in a passionate hobby to learn new skills with us here at Small Revolution? Or grow your online business with your newfound confidence from getting out and about.

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution. With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass